

After Labor Day


I have a love of white pants, I mean LOVE.  I look forward to Memorial Day when I can break these wonderful pants out of the closet.  They always remind me of summer and give a nice refreshing look when changing from the dark denim colors of fall and winter.
I collect these pants every summer and when I find a pair, I buy them.  This year I bought 3 new pairs, I believe you can't have too many because you never know what will happen.  They are white!  I actually have a "going out" pair.  Yes, a little crazy I know, but I don't want to have dingy white pants! Nothing beats that crisp, smart look of white pants and a nice top.

With that being said, I am so sad to have to put them away until next year.  I have a hard enough time with summer ending and to take away the summer classic white pants, it puts me over the edge.  I am a strong believer of no white after Labor Day and this belief has been passed down by many generations.  My grandmother made sure my mother followed and my mother passed it down to me.  

One last load of all the white pants and they will be put away until next summer.
Let us have a moment of silence while closing the door on the summer white pants closet.

1 comment:

  1. I often think about your mom and grandmother when I see girls committing this fashion sin! Tisk Tisk.
