

Halloween Love/Hate


Halloween is this week!  So exciting!!  I can't wait to hand out candy to the little ones, it is so fun to see what they dress up like.  But to be honest with you, I hate Halloween, well hate is a strong word, but I really don't like parts of Halloween.
I hate having to come up with something to be for Halloween.  I feel like it is stressful having to dress up and go out to a party because I never know what to be and yes, I will wait till the last minute, making it even harder to come up with something.  Plus, I never really see anything ideas or anything I would like to dress up as.  I don't want to be a slutty whatever.  Come on, I would so much rather look cute then slutty.  Maybe that's just me.

But there are plenty of things I like about Halloween.
1.  I love scary movies and during this time they are on all day and night.  And the 13 nights of Halloween are the perfect chance to catch my favorite, Hocus Pocus.  
2.  I love to give out candy to the treat or treaters.  
3. I love Halloween decorations.  Love them!  They are so fun to look at and enjoy.

From welcome mats

to decorative pillows.  I love them.  

These pumpkins are my one of favorite items to put out for the holiday.

And this witch hat is a new favorite.
So with the bad of Halloween, I make up for it with decorations.  I will enjoy them for the next couple days until we change over for Thanksgiving and Christmas.


Dry Bar Love


In my travels I found that Towson was getting a blow dry bar, Haute Blow Dry Bar to be exact.  Once I found out this information I couldn't wait for their doors to open.  I needed to make an appointment and find out for myself what all the hype is all about.  I have heard all about these places and had to see what they are like first hand.  Last week I made an appointment for my mom (of course) and myself.  We just couldn't wait for Friday to come!

As we walked in we were greeted by the receptionist who introduced us to our stylists.  I met who was going to be drying and styling my hair.  She was very nice and great to talk to.  I was asked if I would like anything to drink water, wine, you know the usual.  Because it was my first time we sat down first and talked about the different drying/styling options.  Straight, waves, curls, up, down.  I went with "The Baltimore" I consider this style perfection, blown out with a round brush and how could I resist the name, come on, Baltimore that just screamed me!  My mom just explained how she normally wears her hair and her stylist was able to do whatever she wanted.  It was perfect for her, nothing to crazy which is nice.  They really can do whatever you like.
So after I picked what I would like, we headed to the back to the hair washing stations. It was a nice hair washing with message and then it was back to my chair.  We talked about how I usually wear my hair and from there she started to dry and style my hair.  My mom was a couple seats away and she was loving it.  We had such a great time.  Our hair turned out great.  We LOVED it!  It was so nice to sit back and relax while someone else styled your hair.
Once we were both finished and paid, we liked it so much we both made other appointments!  My mom made 2 more right away!
I would say if you haven't been to one of these places you should go.  Get a friend, have some wine and get your hair done.  It is the perfect thing for a Friday night after the long week.  It would be a perfect stop before a night out or even just dinner.  Any excuse to get your hair done is a good one.  So if you are in the Towson area and have the time, check it out.  It is worth it!


Winter Necklace


With the cold weather here and at full force it is time for me to pull out what I call my winter necklaces.  I am talking about scarves.  Now, I consider scarves my winter necklace because just like a statement necklace, scarves really do add a nice touch to any outfit.  And another plus of scarves is that you can wear them with many different tops, dresses, anything you name it and the whole outfit changes.  

 This is one of my favorite ones.  What is so great?  One, the color is perfect.  It goes with white and navy, what more could you ask for?

Two, it has such a nice weight to it without being too overwhelming or overpowering.  I found this scarf in South Moon Under one day and had to have it.
Another SMU find is this great orange scarf.  Again it has a perfect weight and I just love the size of this scarf.

If you are ever near The Shops at Kenilworth stop in South Moon Under and check out their many great items.

This navy and off white is another favorite.  This one is from J.McLaughlin, which is one of my favorite places.  The scarf selection there is great!  You can't leave there with just one.
Like I said it is hard to leave with just one, here are the ones I found the last time I was visiting J.McLaughlin.

How great are these?  The colors are wonderful and would make a great statement with any outfit. To be honest these scarves from here are my favorite.  These scarves are the definition of perfection.
So with this colder weather here and I think it is here to stay, the scarf collection will grow, especial if I stop by South Moon Under and J.McLaughlin.


To Do List: Fall Edition: UPDATE


I have a new update on the Fall To Do List.  I have booked my trip to New York City.  Yes, I will be traveling to the city in November.  It will be just for the day, so the day will be jammed packed full of shopping, lunch with friends, and of course walking.  I can't wait!  New York here I come.


So the list of things to do in the city is growing everyday.  I plan on jumping on the bus, getting dropped off, and meeting up with friends.  Shopping is a must and I can't wait to see what I find to bring home with me.  I mean come on, I am sure everything will be a need not a want, right?  Oh well.
Along with shopping, I am so excited to see my friends that have just recently moved to the city.  It is so fun to travel with them because the have already become New Yorkers. 
Well, I will keep you all posted on the trip.  I am so excited! 


Classic Prep: Rings

Well I have to say when it comes to Baltimore classic style; a signet ring or family crest ring is a popular option.  These rings are usually seen around the preppy areas on both men and women.  Men tend to carry the family crest rings, while women have their signet rings on hand.  Anything family/monogrammed is a hit with the Baltimore prep.  Even some schools around here have their school rings that look a lot like these rings.  Garrison, Oldfield's, and St. Paul's are some just to name a few.  

I wear my school ring still especially when I have my silver jewelry on, it is white gold.

I personally have had my wonderful signet rings since I was in eighth grade.  I wear mine every time I have my gold jewelry on.  I couldn't live without it.  I have loved mine so much that when my husband and I were picking out our wedding bands, he decided to go with a family crest ring.  I was so excited because I am not a big fan of men wedding bands and that just really isn't his style.  Plus my dad wears a family crest ring so I was excited to see my husband opt for the idea as well. (It is said that most girls marry someone like their father!)
Classic prep is what really comes to mind when I think of these rings.  You can't go wrong with a little classic touch to your everyday style. 


To Do List: Fall Edition


So fall has arrived with colder weather and a lot of rain.  I have to say that I am truly a summer person, but I love scarves.  I am a little excited for colder weather, but I wish it was only for a couple weeks and then we would be back to summer.  
There are a couple things I am looking forward to this fall so here are 
5 things I would like to do.
1. I guess I need to try one of those pumpkin spice lattes people are talking about.  I have never had one and would love to try it.
2. I would like to go and visit some friends in New York.  I am planning my trip and can't wait to go shopping.  I am already planning my shopping stops.
3.  Go and pick out pumpkins and maybe a corn maze.  I love picking pumpkins and thinking about what/how I am going to carve or decorate them.  This is what I did the other year.

I figured I would show some love for VV.
Oh and I would also like to get some mums.

4.  I can't wait to hand out candy to the trick or treaters!  I just love seeing the little ones in their costumes- they are so cute.  I usually go over to my parents because they get a lot of trick or treaters.  I will keep you posted on the cute costumes.
5.  I would like to make something new in my crock pot.  This is a great fall/winter easy dinner maker.  The ideas are endless.  If you don't have one, get one.  All you do is throw things in and after a while it's ready.
I hope to cross all of these off my list this fall.  I will keep you all posted on how it goes. 
If you are in the area and are looking for places for pumpkins or other fall goodies there are plenty of places to go.

Family Fun:
Rodgers' Farms- Great corn maze that are made to show a Maryland theme and pumpkins
Weber's Farm- Apple picking, apple cider, pumpkins
Baugher's- Hay rides, pumpkins, petting zoo

But if you are looking to get in and out try:
Valley View 

Just make sure you have fun while picking your pumpkins.  
What are some of your favorite fall activities?


Plantation Shutters


 Plantation shutters are great window treatments for any home.  These shutters are perfect because they create a light and airy feeling to open up any room.  Plus they look nice opened or closed.  You really can't go wrong with a crisp white shutter.
Plantation shutters seem to be very popular for homes because they allow a good amount of light when opened and create a simple clean look.  Not to mention they are easy to take care of and clean.

Now there are many different shutter styles.  There are different sizes of the shutters, divider locations, half shutter or full size, and the hinges are all things to pay attention to when choosing your shutters.  Custom-built design shutters are usually what people prefer to make a uniform look in their homes.  It is better to have someone come into your home and look at the windows and have them professionally installed.  You will not regret having a professional measuring and installing.
Now these shutters seem to add a relaxing feel to a room.  I just love the way these look from the inside and out.  I feel like I am at the beach when I see them, but really they go well in any home from beach to city.  They add a clean, crisp look to the room and allow you to adjust the amount of light that enters.

 Originally these shutters where popular in the south and severed their purpose of providing light while letting the breeze through.  Their function of light control was the reason behind these shutters.  If you are looking for new window treatments and are not sure what to get, take a look at plantation shutters.  I have enjoyed having mine.

 Have them installed and let the light and relaxing feeling enter into your room.  These shutters are worth looking into for you next room, you will not be disappointed.


Go To: Cardigan


When it comes to a go to outfit item, I have to say during this time it's cardigans. I LOVE cardigans for the fall.  I think they are just the most perfect thing made.  The mornings are getting colder and it is time to say good bye to my favorite dresses and hello to pants and sweaters.  Cardigans are one of the best articles of clothing during this time of year if you ask me, that is next to scarves of course.  They are easy to throw on when cold and really add a nice, preppy touch to an outfit.  
I have some great colors and actually wear them often. Navy, Black, white, green, orange, yellow, tan how can you go wrong?   I love putting on a cute shirt and a cardigan with a scarf or necklace to make a statement.  I just think it is such a smart look.

The colors are great; here are some of my favorite looks.

This classic gray card is one of the favorites for sure.  This color goes with everything from the classic black pants to the fun color pants that are so in these days.  

This off white card is another must have because you can pair it with a lotIt works well with colored tops and pants like shown here.

Navy blue-such a prep color.  Paired with gray pants and a white shirt, it is a go to outfit for sure. (Love this J.Crew top)

For the days towards the end of the summer when it starts to cool off the pink is perfect. Miss those white jeans and hot pink card. Oh summer, hurry back please!
I just love cardigans and truly feel everyone should own at least one!  


Happy Hour: Natty Boh


National Bohemian is the beer of Baltimore.  Being originally brewed right here in the wonderful land of Maryland, it is very popular with the locals.  Reason being, it's cheap price tag wherever you go.  

You can't find someone that lives in Baltimore and hasn't had a "Natty Boh".  

Who is the man on the can? He is a well know man that you can see from most places downtown, especially Canton. Mr. Boh is his name and he is the one eyed face of Natty Boh.  He became the famous mascot of the beer in 1936 and has been a well know man ever since. He even has his own store in Canton.

 You can find shirts, koozies, pint glasses, and magnets in this Natty Boh store.  If you are in Baltimore stop by and pick something up to remember this man.

There he is keeping an eye out on downtown Baltimore and one of his stores.
Now what is so special about this beer?  To be honest, I don't really know.  I think it is a Baltimore thing.  People will drink it because of its cheap price and to feel connected to "the land of the pleasant living."
So next time you are in MD, let Natty Boh serve you up a nice National Bohemian on draft.

 You have to try it once in your life.


Baltimore Smalltimore

Baltimore, Smalltimore.  Enough said.  Growing up here in MD you really do meet your fair share of people.  These people range from new friends to old family friends.  My whole life is connected through people, places, and things.  It is a small world.
Now I am sure there are other places like this, but Baltimore is a true “Cheers” if you will.  Everyone knows your name, your parents, and things about you that you might not even know.  We have gone to school together our whole lives without even trying to.  I mean from preschool through high school.  We tend to run in the same crowd and know the same people.  Whenever I am out I seem to run into someone I know.  I can be at the mall or just running into Target and see someone I recognize. With that being said, everyone knows everyone and it continues throughout adulthood.
People tend to know your business and share it.  Gossip is everywhere, you have to be careful when talk about or to people because you never know who they know.  Lesson from blog- Watch what you say and whom you hang out with because Baltimore will catch up to you.
I wouldn’t change a thing when it comes down to it.  I love Baltimore and its traditional feelings.  You will have family and friends here in MD.  I feel like sometimes this close relationship of knowing people makes Baltimore a better place.  It has that comfortable feel, I guess like Cheers had which brought people to the bar.  That’s why we keep coming back to Bmore.  It’s comfortable, familiar, and normal.  Baltimore is our home and always will be.



Announcement: Sonic is Opening


Sonic is open in town.  Yes, Sonic is OPEN.  This is so exciting! 
Off York Road there has been an abandoned building for years and I mean years.  It was once a Roy Rogers and I haven’t seen one of those around here in forever.  This building was the perfect location for something exciting and luckily someone bought the building tore it down and replaced it with a Sonic.  Perfect corner location off York Road just screams Sonic location.
Now a little background, I lived in South Carolina for a couple years and Sonic was a go to place for me seeing it was right down the street from my place.  My friend and I would go to Happy Hour Half Price Drinks.  Love this Happy Hour!  So this became our usual late night weekday outing.  So when I saw a Sonic was coming close to my Maryland home, I couldn’t wait for it to open.  And that day is here.  

So what to get a Sonic?  Well I usually go for the drinks.  They serve the cold drink over crushed, “chewy”, pellet ice in a wonderful Styrofoam cup.  This is my definition of happiness in a cup.  The ice makes the drink and you can buy a big bag of ice for 1.99.  It's great to make your drinks at home taste better. They have everything from Coke to ice tea, but the catch?  They have all kinds of flavors you can add to your drink.  Vanilla coke anyone?  Fruit slushes are half price too during Happy Hour.  Limeade? Those are too!  Whatever drink combination you can come up with, you can have it at Sonic.

Of course they sell food.  The food is good, fast, and easy.  The way I look at it you can’t go wrong with Sonic.  Breakfast, lunch, or dinner their tots are a great addition. But the drinks are the way to go!
Today they had a special opening so they could practice and they were giving away free food.  I didn’t really take advantage of the food part, but all my cup holders in my car had Route 44 Diet Cokes in them.  My mom was so surprised to see what I had for her, especially because she drove by today and it wasn’t open.  Good thing she has a great, wonderful daughter that found out about the time and the password, yes you needed a password to get into the parking lot, and went to buy drinks.

So if you are around York Road stop by the Sonic tomorrow because I over heard they are opening full time.  (October 2)  Just pull up, press the red button and let the Sonic experience begin.