

This Year: Family and Friends

This year I plan to make more time for family and friends. I plan to take more opportunities to spend time with everyone I can.  I want to make an effort to go to things when invited.  From parents and the husband to my niece and nephew, I plan on cherishing the time I can spend with them.
I don't want you all to think I don't spend time with family and friends because that is not then case.  I just want to make sure I take advantage of the time.
I talk to my parents everyday. (More than once a day) I see them every weekend.  I can't go a day without them.  They truly are me best friends.  I just want to take the time out of my day to see how their days were.
We are still new at this marriage thing and I just want to make sure we really enjoy our time together.  Life can get so busy sometimes that we get caught up in it, but I want to take time for us.  I don't want to miss a thing, it is now our life together and we are family.
It isn't only my brother.  I have a wonderful sister-in-law, a sweet niece, and enjoyable nephew.  I plan to take time to see them more.  It is sometimes hard because with having two children they are always on the go.  I love to see them even if I am just helping to babysit in a pinch.  The time I spend with them means everything.  I am so lucky that they live so close to me.
It is hard growing up.  We all get so busy and wrapped up in our own worlds.  We used to be each other's worlds, but with age come responsibilities.  We have gone through everything and our friendships are what we count on to get us through. 
With growing up comes moving away.  A lot of my friends moved away from Baltimore for different jobs.  Every time people are home we always get together.
So with all that being said, I don't want to miss out on anything. 
Cherish your time.  Listen to everyone's stories.  Take pictures.  But remember to stop and take it all in every once and awhile.  We can never get this time back.
Enjoy every minute.

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet post! I cannot wait to be closer to my family come May! It is so hard being so far away.

    Great reminder to cherish the ones close to you!
