

Hooray! First Day of Spring


I am so excited to say today is the first day of Spring!  Can you believe Spring still exists after the winter we have had?

With the weather hopefully changing, I plan on getting some things started.  
(It is so much easier when it stays light out)

So Spring takes us up until June 21st (the first day of summer).  That is plenty of time to do my Spring events.

-Spring Cleaning: Yes, time for me to organize and go through the winter clothes.   Good Will here I come.  I want to clean out the winter and make room for the Spring and Summer.
-Plan a Trip to South Carolina: I NEED this trip after all this snow.  I can't wait to get down there and see that blue sky and those beautiful Palmetto trees. And to be honest, I just need to get to the beach.
-New York, New York: Please! Now this may be something that will get pushed to the summer list, but here is to wishful thinking.  I can't wait to get back to New York.  I love walking around the city.
-Bake: I want to take one day to bake with my good friend.  I think cupcakes are on the list and maybe something new.

Last time we made chocolate chip cupcakes with buttercream icing, so good!

Hopefully Spring weather is upon us, I can't wait to do things on my list.  There really is something to that staying light out later.

I hope to get to my cleaning, trip planning, and baking soon!

What do you have planned for Spring?
Planning on doing some cleaning?

PS- Happy Birthday Hubs


  1. Replies
    1. They turned out great! Anything with chocolate chips works for me.

  2. Awww happy birthday to your husband! Yay! Make him some cupcakes.

    P.S. send that recipe to my sisters, looks delicious! Thanks for sharing.

    P.P.S. You are more than invited to South Carolina for my graduation!
