

Whats in My Bag?


So I really enjoy the Whats in my bag post from other bloggers.  I have decided to do one of my own.
I love to organize and it shouldn't be a surprise that I make sure my bag is organized too! 

I have a system for organizing my bag, which makes it easier when switching my bag in the morning.  I use what I call "little zip bags."  These little bags are great and keep everything neat and together.  It feel like one of the worst feelings is when you can't find something in your bag.

Here is what is inside:

Here is what you can usually find in my bag.  Wallet, book, sunglasses, change purse, and all my "little zip bags."

This Marc Jacobs holds my Kate Spade card holders, which are perfect for gift cards and your license.

This Cinda B "Happy" bag is a favorite of mine.  This size and shape is wonderful in any bag.  This is where I have a couple pens, a nail file, really a place to put things that don't stay in the bag.  I move things in and out of this one.  Like earbuds and more gift cards.

The polkadot J.Crew "little zip bag" is a catch all for things I need all the time.  Hand sanitizer, hair ties, kleenex, lotion, and a mini sewing kit (you never know).

This JPK holds all the lip glosses and lipsticks.  

I don't know about you all but I hate when my things move around in my bag and I can't find them.

How do you keep your bag organized?

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