

Whats in My Bag?


So I really enjoy the Whats in my bag post from other bloggers.  I have decided to do one of my own.
I love to organize and it shouldn't be a surprise that I make sure my bag is organized too! 

I have a system for organizing my bag, which makes it easier when switching my bag in the morning.  I use what I call "little zip bags."  These little bags are great and keep everything neat and together.  It feel like one of the worst feelings is when you can't find something in your bag.

Here is what is inside:

Here is what you can usually find in my bag.  Wallet, book, sunglasses, change purse, and all my "little zip bags."

This Marc Jacobs holds my Kate Spade card holders, which are perfect for gift cards and your license.

This Cinda B "Happy" bag is a favorite of mine.  This size and shape is wonderful in any bag.  This is where I have a couple pens, a nail file, really a place to put things that don't stay in the bag.  I move things in and out of this one.  Like earbuds and more gift cards.

The polkadot J.Crew "little zip bag" is a catch all for things I need all the time.  Hand sanitizer, hair ties, kleenex, lotion, and a mini sewing kit (you never know).

This JPK holds all the lip glosses and lipsticks.  

I don't know about you all but I hate when my things move around in my bag and I can't find them.

How do you keep your bag organized?


Weekend Recap: One Year

This weekend was full of family, friends, and great times.  This weekend was so special and busy, busy, busy.

Friday was so fun!  I left work and ran around with my mom.  We grabbed dinner and went to Target.  We walked in and I asked if we needed a cart, she responded No.  Now we are making this trip to Target a challenge.  We can only buy what we can hold. (Let me tell you we are pretty good at juggling items, pro level)
We collected some great things, we have too much fun at Target!
We made it to the check out with our hands full.  My favorite part is when the cashier asks, "Did you find everything you where looking for?"  I always think to myself, I wasn't looking for any of this stuff, I just found it.
We had such a great time!

On Saturday my mom, dad, hubs, and I all had lunch together and then the hubs and I met up with some friends at Mustang Alley's.

Mustang Alley's is so much fun, plus I kind of love Bowling.

We went downstairs to Heavy Seas for dinner.

We all enjoyed our dinners.  And then we took the water taxi over to Fed Hill! (I felt like a tourist, but it was fun)
We went to Fed Hill to meet up with friends that just got engaged. So exciting!

Sunday was our day.  Ir was our one year anniversary.  We went to a fantastic lunch together followed by dinner at his parents house.

Then we had our cake!

Our top tier of our cake has been taking up space in our freezer long enough so once we got home we cut it and had a bite!  I can't believe it has been a year!

We had a great weekend, but it makes for a tired Monday. 
Hope you all are hanging in there this Monday.  Can't believe the 4th of July is right around the corner.
How was your weekend?


Tunic Time


Lately I have been going through my clothes and I feel like I need some new tops.  I don't know about you, but sometimes I feel like it is hard to find tops.  But I have recently come across some of the best tunics, Roberta Roller Rabbit.

I am in love with these tunics.

The colors and patterns are great for this time of year.

So comfortable and easy to wear.  Paired with white pants, love!

I wore this great blue and white one this weekend.

I pulled out the Charleston, SC bag for the nice weather.  I got it a couple years ago at the Market in downtown Charleston.

I can honestly say I am so glad I bought these great tops for the summer.  The bright colors and fun patterns are exactly what I needed.

Check out the website to see other great items they have.  I can't get over how cute everything is and how great they are for the summer.

I just added a Friday Finds page to the blog to make it easier to check out the great finds from Etsy.  More finds are to come to make sure to check it out! Hope you all are having a great week, almost there, to Friday that is.


Name Change: Finally

J.Crew Shoes

I am so excited that I have finally changed my name.  After tying to get to the MVA and with one failed attempt after not having the special copy of the marriage license with the city seal, I have moved to the end of the alphabet. 

Such an exciting time for us and we will be celebrating one year soon!

I hope you all had a great weekend.  I know mine was family packed and fun filled.  And I am hoping to be a better blogger this week.  I don't know where time is going lately.  Sorry!  I am planning some posts for this week.


Update Curb Appeal: Front Door


Well the weather is finally playing fair and it makes me want to spend more time outside.  I want to enjoy my outdoor living space and work on my curb appeal.  What better way to update then painting your front door.  A fresh coat of paint and some new hardware can really make a difference.

So what colors are the top front door colors?

Here are some of my favorite options.

These colors give you the options you would need depending on your house color.

Blue would look great with a grey house.  It would bring a bright statement to draw in the people passing by.

Greenish Yellow is such a neat color for a front door.  Even on a tan house to add a little contrast it would look interesting.

Brown/tan is a color that pairs well with a brick or stone home.  This color is more of a classic such as black.  You can do a lot with it.

Orange is a fun color to try.  I think it would go will with any house color.  It adds a nice pop of color to your home and enhances your curb appeal.

Green is one of my favorite.  Again I think it would work well with grey, tan, brick, or stone.  It is such a fun color.

I love all of these colors for a front door.  I think a nice colored front door can really add something to your home.  It is so much fun to look around town and see what people have picked for their home.

Do you have a fun or different color front door?
Something different from the classic white or black?


Taste of Three Cities


This past weekend I enjoyed waking through rows and rows of food trucks during the Taste of Three Cities here in Baltimore, Maryland.  
These colorful trucks represented Baltimore, DC, and Philly.

Right outside of the M&T Bank Stadium on a beautiful day we walked through crowds and ate some great food.

We walked in and decided to check everything out.  So we took a loop through all the trucks to get together our game plan.

Here are a couple places we stopped.

1. South Carolina Bar-B-Que from Maryland

This truck from Essex, MD won last year for the best BBQ, so we had to wait in line to taste something.  

Yum!  Pulled Pork anyone?  This sandwich was delicious.  I could go for more right now.  It had just the right amount of spice and flavor.  For our first stop, it was a great one! 

We then stopped for a little snack from 

2. The Cow and The Curd from Philly

It is NOT a mozzarella stick.

Fried cheese curds, how can you not have a taste?  They are served with a choice of dipping sides, included chipotle ranch.

3. Rito Loco from DC

This Rib Rito was so good.  Made from pulled baby back ribs and had such great flavor.

4. La Cakerie from Maryland

We had to end with some dessert and what better way then from a cupcake from one of my favorite spots.  (Bonus: Cupcake Wars winner, Jason, hopped in the window to serve some customers)

Such a great end to great food, Funfetti cupcake?  Yes, please!

It was a great day for great food.  We all had a great time and enjoyed everything that we tasted.  I would advise going with a group because it was fun to split food in order to try more food trucks.

I am glad we tried trucks from all places, Maryland, DC, and Philly.

Have you eaten from a great food truck?