

What is for Dinner?

One problem I come across is what is for dinner.  It was so easy living at home and my dad would make dinner and I wouldn't have to plan.  Now, it is up to me and my husband to plan what we need from the store and what we are going to make.  I really miss not have to worry about it.
Last night we decided to make chicken teriyaki over rice and let me tell you, it was delicious.  It was so good that it will make it to one of our go to lists.  Something to make when we aren't sure what to make. 

So here is what you need if you want to try this easy recipe.  It will talk about 25 to 30 minutes from start to finish.

A pound of chicken (I like to use the chicken tenders)
Broccoli (Microwavable is easiest)
and Stir Fry sauce

 First, wash and cut up the chicken.  Put into skillet with butter on high.  

Cook chicken until brown. (While cooking the chicken put your broccoli in the microwave so it is ready to be added to the chicken and start to boil water for rice)

Once chicken is brown and while the broccoli is finishing up,  add a half cup of stir fry sauce.

Now the water is boiling for the rice.  Pour your rice into water and set aside according to the instructions on box.

Add broccoli to chicken and sauce.  Lower the heat to medium.  Mix well.

Now your rice is ready!

Grab a bowl, pour rice and top with chicken and broccoli.

Sit down and enjoy!

Have you tried anything new?  Or have a good go to meal?
I would love to try something new!


This Year: Family and Friends

This year I plan to make more time for family and friends. I plan to take more opportunities to spend time with everyone I can.  I want to make an effort to go to things when invited.  From parents and the husband to my niece and nephew, I plan on cherishing the time I can spend with them.
I don't want you all to think I don't spend time with family and friends because that is not then case.  I just want to make sure I take advantage of the time.
I talk to my parents everyday. (More than once a day) I see them every weekend.  I can't go a day without them.  They truly are me best friends.  I just want to take the time out of my day to see how their days were.
We are still new at this marriage thing and I just want to make sure we really enjoy our time together.  Life can get so busy sometimes that we get caught up in it, but I want to take time for us.  I don't want to miss a thing, it is now our life together and we are family.
It isn't only my brother.  I have a wonderful sister-in-law, a sweet niece, and enjoyable nephew.  I plan to take time to see them more.  It is sometimes hard because with having two children they are always on the go.  I love to see them even if I am just helping to babysit in a pinch.  The time I spend with them means everything.  I am so lucky that they live so close to me.
It is hard growing up.  We all get so busy and wrapped up in our own worlds.  We used to be each other's worlds, but with age come responsibilities.  We have gone through everything and our friendships are what we count on to get us through. 
With growing up comes moving away.  A lot of my friends moved away from Baltimore for different jobs.  Every time people are home we always get together.
So with all that being said, I don't want to miss out on anything. 
Cherish your time.  Listen to everyone's stories.  Take pictures.  But remember to stop and take it all in every once and awhile.  We can never get this time back.
Enjoy every minute.


Bags, They Always Fit


As I have stated before I am an accessory type of girl, you know they always fit!
 I especially love bags.  Bigger tote bags are my favorite because I tend to carry to much stuff with me.  From my Kate Spade planner to Band aids, I have it all.  And it is all organized if I do say so myself.  (I may have to do one of those in my bag posts and show you how I keep everything straight)
Anyway, one of my favorite go to bags is the famous Longchamp, Le Pliage.  These bags are workhorses.

One is never enough.  I have dragged these bags through it all.  
I have used these bags as school bags through college.  I have traveled to Hawaii and back with one.  And I use them as my everyday tote.  I believe that you can't go wrong with them.  If you are thinking about getting one, take the leap and you will not look back.

Now there is a downside.  Everyone has them.  You see yourself coming and going with these bags. 

This is a real picture.  I was out with some friends and when we were all heading out for the night we all went to get our bags and this is what happened.  There were at least 7 black Longchamps!

But surprisingly enough, this does not stop me from carrying these bags and something like that normally does.  I am such a fan of these little durable bags.

Do you have one?  Is it a favorite on your list too?



Snow Day


It feels so good to say I have a Snow Day today here in Maryland!  I haven't had a snow day in forever.  I guess that is what happens when you grow up and have a real job. (bummer)  
When I received the call from work this morning that it was closed, I couldn't believe it.  We never had off so why today?  What is going on outside my window?  
Well after sitting up in bed and grabbing my IPad and checking out Madewell and their extra off sale items and failing, they no longer had my size in the boots I have been looking at forever. Great start to the snow day, but I didn't stop there, on to the window.  Oh my gosh...SNOW!  Now you probably know now that I hate winter, but I am not going to lie, I was excited.
So the hubs and I headed out to clean off the cars and shovel.  And of course help the neighbors.  It was nice to see everyone out helping each other.

The Hunters are just high enough for today!
 There is just something so peaceful when it snows.  There is a quietness that is all around.  

With this lovely day ahead and chili in the crock pot this is how I will be spending the rest of the day.

 Stay warm and be safe.

How are you spending your day?


Valentine's Day Spirit


This Friday is Valentine's Day and to celebrate I have added a couple little touches around the house.  You know, to get in the spirit. I am a fan of this special day, but I don't expect the normal Valentine's activities.
 I love Valentine's not in the way that some girls do, but I love the little cards for the kids to take to school, I love the candy, and I love it is on a Friday this year.
Now some people get carried away with such elaborate plans.  Dinner, presents, and flowers with chocolate, and of course decorations.
I personally believe dinner on the exact day is a little overrated.  Too many people in the restaurant and I feel like the restaurant's "Valentine's Specials" are not always the best.  I much rather make dinner plans for another night.
Presents.  Who doesn't like presents?  Some of my best memories are coming down for school in the morning and seeing the little items my parents gave me.  Favorite being the heart shaped chocolates on a lollipop stick.
I like to have flowers in the house.  I just feel like they just give off a great feeling, especially during these snowy, cold months.  And what girl doesn't like a little chocolate?
Now my favorite.  Decorations are the best! Valentine's is a little holiday when compared to Christmas, decorations aren't as big and exciting.  
But don't you worry!  I found some cute ones.
You have seen my straws in another post found here - Best of January.
But I have decorated the bar cart even more when I found these cute napkins.

Kate Spade his and hers glasses are just perfect for the holiday.  
And it wouldn't be Valentine's Day without candy hearts.

 I had to grab the Sweet Tart ones when I stopped into Target the other day.

Are you ready to celebrate Valentine's Day?  
Any exciting plans?


Little Project for the Home


I have decided to entertain myself with a little project for the home the other night.  I wanted something easy and once I found a little jar at Michaels I knew what I was going to do.  I just needed a couple little things and once I had them I was well on my way.
I found the jar and instantly thought about using it on my coffee table to hold matches for my candles.

I started with just the matches in the jar, but I thought about how am I going to light them when needed.

 So there needed to be a change, so I added a cute little tag where I attached the strike side of the matchbox.

I think it turned out pretty cute and would make a great house-warming gift.

Have you done any little projects lately?


Best of January

January is over and I wanted to do a Best of January Post right away, but time got away from me.  I guess that is what you get when your weekends are booked until late February.  
I am excited about this post because I have never done one and I am hoping to continue with them throughout the year.  
Here are some of the popular posts and pictures of the first month of the year.

Top Posts of January

This post is about doing something new and different
All about the things I love right now
A little peek into the world of Baltimore

Click the title to read the Top Posts

Top Instagram Pictures of January

Kate Spade order was delivered and a big hit.  

The classic look of chambray, black and pearls was a winner in the fashion department.

And these cute paper straws made it to the list.  
(I did put them out early, I couldn't help it!) 

Glad to see the top three pictures were a mix of accessories, outfits, and of course paper straws. 

Hope your February is off to a great start!


What is with This Weather?

What is going on with Mother Nature?  The weather is all over the place lately.  One day it is nice and the next it is terrible with a capital T.
Well, I say nice as in no need for a big puffy coat or jacket.  Yesterday was a nice day, almost 50 degrees, being in the mid 40s.  Lightweight scarf and Barbour jacket was all I needed.

Lets talk about today and the many other crazy snow days.  Today couldn't make up its mind.  Freezing rain/snow, gross!  Today called for Bean Boots, corduroys, and my favorite puffy Vineyard Vines coat.

Here are some of the snow days we have had this year.


All I have to say is that summer better be great and full of long sunny days.  
How many more days until summer?