

Favorite: Statement Necklace Edition


It is no surprise that I love accessories.  Bags, shoes, jewelry, I love them all.  It is hard for me to pass them up, especially statement necklaces.  I love anything that makes a statement.
An outfit can come to life with a great necklace.  Sometimes I feel like I am not complete without one.  Good thing there are so many great necklaces out there in the wonderful world of retail.

Here are a few of my favorites:

1. Tortoiseshell Long Tizzy Necklace
Love this piece in the summer time.  Goes great with a striped dress.  
Found: South Moon Under

2.  Coral Flower Necklace-  
Love the colors.  It is such a great look and I can't wait to wear it paired with white jeans and a chambray shirt.
Found: JG Sassy

3. Kate Spade Hot Chip Necklace-  
An all time favorite of mine.
Found: Nordstrom

4.  Cluster Pearl Necklace-  
Talk about classic.  How can you go wrong with pearls?
Found: Nordstrom

5.  J.Crew Stacked Layered Tortoiseshell Necklace
This was a great buy.  I wear it with everything!
Found: J.Crew

6.  J.Crew Factory Stone Shapes Necklace-  
I just love the color combination of this necklace.  
Found: J.Crew Factory Online

I honestly feel that a great necklace can make an outfit.  Adding a statement necklace to your wardrobe is a must!
These are great pieces for my collection and I feel like I have made some good choices.

Here are some I have my eye on:

I just might have to add these.

Do you have a great statement piece that you love?  
Do you feel like a great necklace can make an outfit?


Top 5: Books


I love to get comfortable and read a good book.  There is nothing like getting lost in a book or finding that great page turner.  It can be hard to find that book that keeps you up at night turning the pages.  I am lucky enough to have found some of the best books.

Top 5 Books

1. Into The Darkest Corner
By: Elizabeth Haynes
This was a page turner.  I read this book so fast, I was sad when I read the last page.

2. Never Knowing
By: Chevy Stevens
Talk about twist and turns.

3. Still Missing
By: Chevy Stevens
Another good one.  This one kept me reading into the night.

4. Them Bones
Sarah Booth Delaney
By: Carolyn Haines
 Best little mysteries from Mississippi.  So cute!  Great beach read.

5.  Orange Is The New Black
By: Piper Kerman
Alittle look inside as an inmate.

There are so many great books out there and I wish I could find more time to read.  I have a whole list of books I want to read next.
Good thing summer is slowly coming.  That is when I get the most reading done.

Do you have any good books to recommend?
I would love to hear about them!



Hooray! First Day of Spring


I am so excited to say today is the first day of Spring!  Can you believe Spring still exists after the winter we have had?

With the weather hopefully changing, I plan on getting some things started.  
(It is so much easier when it stays light out)

So Spring takes us up until June 21st (the first day of summer).  That is plenty of time to do my Spring events.

-Spring Cleaning: Yes, time for me to organize and go through the winter clothes.   Good Will here I come.  I want to clean out the winter and make room for the Spring and Summer.
-Plan a Trip to South Carolina: I NEED this trip after all this snow.  I can't wait to get down there and see that blue sky and those beautiful Palmetto trees. And to be honest, I just need to get to the beach.
-New York, New York: Please! Now this may be something that will get pushed to the summer list, but here is to wishful thinking.  I can't wait to get back to New York.  I love walking around the city.
-Bake: I want to take one day to bake with my good friend.  I think cupcakes are on the list and maybe something new.

Last time we made chocolate chip cupcakes with buttercream icing, so good!

Hopefully Spring weather is upon us, I can't wait to do things on my list.  There really is something to that staying light out later.

I hope to get to my cleaning, trip planning, and baking soon!

What do you have planned for Spring?
Planning on doing some cleaning?

PS- Happy Birthday Hubs


Decorate While Organizing: Hair Brush


It is no secret that I love to decorate and organize and when I can do both together, it is perfect.  If you are anything like me, you also have multiple hair brushes and they need a home.  
I used to have them all in my top drawer in my room, but I wanted to do something different.  I could use the drawer space, which is for sure!
So when I found this wonderful glass container I figured I would see what I could come up with.

Love it!  I am so happy I was able to put it to use.  I think it turned out nicely and it now sits on top of my dresser.  

What do you think?
Do you have any good organizing ideas?


St. Patrick's Day Surprise: Part 2


Yesterday was the big day!  I am sorry I am posting this late.  I love St. Patrick's Day and I was out celebrating last night.

This day has a special meaning to me especially after St. Patrick's Day 2010.
So my story continues, it seems like the luck of the Irish is with me on this day every year.

So after March 17th, 2010 when I met a great guy, lets fast-forward to 2 years after that wonderful St. Patrick's Day.

This brings us to 2012, a beautiful Saturday, March 17th and the boyfriend and I planned to spend the day together.  We wanted to have a relaxing day celebrating "Our" day.  We planned on dinner at my parents and meeting friends out later that night while wearing our green!

Again, little did I know my life was about to change forever.

It was any normal Saturday.  We weren't sure what to do during the day to make the time pass before dinner so we ran some errands and grabbed lunch.  I remember thinking the day went by so fast because the next thing we knew it was time to head over to my parents house for dinner.

Now the boyfriend said he was going to get something and we were going to leave my place.  He was gone for a little bit and I was wondering what was taking him so long.  I thought we were going to be late.

All of a sudden he comes back into the room and pulls out a box.  He opens it to show the most beautiful ring I have ever seen (I am a little bias) and proposes!

"Will you Marry Me?"


What are you doing?!?
Are you for real?!?!?
I asked and he said, "Yes! I am for real.  Will you Marry Me?"

I couldn't believe it!  I replied "Of Course I Will!"

It was so exciting and typical him, simple, cute, and something that was just between the two of us.
I wouldn't have changed it for the world. 

And the bonus was I got to head right over to my parents house to celebrate.

St. Patrick's Day has been a special day to me and now I can share it with someone who means so much to me, the hubs!


Favorite: Tory Burch Edition


It is no surprise that I am a huge Tory Burch fan.  Her style is amazing and classic with a touch of modern flair at times.  
Tory's accessories always find their way onto my wish lists.  As I would say, they are a NEED not a want.  Sometimes I just need that new bracelet or bag.  

But to be honest her shoes are my all time favorite.

The Reva flat to be exact.  These shoes are classic Tory all the way.
You can find me wearing these flats all the time.  They go with everything.  
They are on top of the Love List.
Are you a fan too?


St. Patrick's Day Surprise: Part 1


I was home in Baltimore this particular year to celebrate St. Patrick's Day.  My good high school friends decided we should all go out together to celebrate.  For some reason this year, I wasn't totally all in like I normally am. 

But that was about to change.

St. Patrick's Day has always held a special day in my heart.  I am Irish and have a love for my dad's corned beef and cabbage.  We have Irish names all in the family and you will never catch my grandmother without a claddagh ring or necklace.
Alright, I am done with background.  So you aren't surprised that I always celebrate the holiday.

So my friends and I headed out on the town.  We went for dinner and some nice green beer, of course.

Later in the night we ran into my cousin (obviously loving the holiday too!)  We decided that we would meet up later at a different bar.  

Little did I know my life was about to change.

I was sitting in a booth chatting with my friends when this guy came out of no where and sat next to me.  "Who is this guy and what is he doing?" I thought.  Hoping it wasn't some drunk weird guy I wasn't sure what to think.  I failed to mention he had on a huge green bow tie!  We all looked confused until he said he knew my cousin who just came into the bar.  Oohhh, okay, they are friends.  Well he was such a nice guy to talk to and we chatted the whole night. Really just a fun, sweet guy.
It is funny to think I didn't even really want to go out that night.

So what is the surprise of the night you ask!  

Well this guy and I are still talking everyday from March 17th 2010.  I joke with him and tell him that is still hasn't left my booth and today this fun loving, talkative guy is my husband.

You never who you will meet.  Take every opportunity that comes your way.
I am so glad I went out that night and met this great guy.
I will always remember that night, the feelings, and that big green bow tie.

Do you take every opportunity that comes your way? 

Stayed tuned for Part 2!


Bosom Buddy Bags


Baltimore, Maryland is a place full of surprises, from great food to beautiful accessories.  You never know what you are going to get, but with Bosom Buddy Bags you know you are going to get a classic bag.  These hand woven bags are hand adorned right here in MD.

These bags are so cute!  The have a classic prep look that will have everyone talking.
There are different ribbon options and adornments on each bag.  

The ribbon colors are endless.  
Striped or solid you have the option of pink, green, khaki, navy and white, black, white, turquoise and white, red, tan, coral, and the list goes on.

There are so many great options, but it doesn't stop there.  

The adornments make the bag.  The options are great.  An Anchor, bee, crab, Fleur de Lis, sand dollar, starfish, shell, gator, fox, and for a little edge a skull and bones.  But that isn't even all the options!  There is one for everybody.  

So if you find these bags as cute as I do you can find them here on their website, Bosom Buddy Bags.
On the site you will be able to find a store near you and look at the different sizes, colors, and adornment options.

Have fun looking around and let me know what you think.
Can you live without one?


Winter Wardrobe


With the weather being terrible and I mean terrible I have resorted to sweaters and more sweaters.  They are the only thing that are keeping me warm.  I am so glad I have a good selection of heavy sweaters.  Have I mentioned I love sweaters?  Just kidding.
Anyway, this Monday we had the lovely gift of more snow.  Yes, can you believe it, more snow.  I can honestly say I do not want to see more white snow this year.
So with all this snow my winter wardrobe has turned to the sweaters in my closet.  They have been the most perfect article of clothing.

Monday's Snow Day Outfit

Heavy sweater (duh), J.Crew statement necklace, black pants, J.Crew Camp Socks, and Hunters. 
I woke up and got dressed not sure why because I didn't have work.  But luckily, after the shoveling and ice scrapping the hubs deciding to venture out for lunch.  I knew I got dresses for a reason.  You never know who you are going to see!
Each one of these items have helped me through the harsh winter we have been having.
Do you have an article of clothing you couldn't have lived without this winter? 


Best of February

February is now over and we are heading right into March.  The best of February is a get mix of things.  I am happy to share the highlights.

Top Posts of February

This post is about my love of Longchamp bags
I haven't had a snow day in forever.  This was my first snow day in the working world!
How to make a simple meal of chicken teriyaki.

Click on the titles to read the top posts.

Top Instagram Pictures of February

Visit to the Paper Shop was popular.  They have great invitations!

My niece's birthday present was a close second.  I guess people like cute wrapping paper as much as I do.

Finally, a little summer in the middle of this winter weather was a winner.  Everyone seems to be ready for some better weather.

It is interesting to see that all of these post have bright colors and in hopes of warmer weather.  

Here is to the month of March!
 (Please play nice with the weather, I need some spring)